Welcome to Anchor of Hope!

At Anchor of Hope we are driven by a powerful calling: to share the transformative love of Jesus Christ through the preaching of the good news and provision of physical assistance to those in need.

We firmly believe God desires every individual, regardless of background or circumstance, to experience the hope and joy of a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

Our mission unfolds in two vital parts:

  • Sharing the Gospel: We are passionate about spreading the message of Jesus Christ through various outreach programs like open-air meetings, gospel tract distribution, and personal ministry. We reach out to those who may not have heard the good news before, particularly in underprivileged areas and remote tribal communities.

  • Helping the Vulnerable: We recognize that faith and practical support go hand-in-hand. We strive to alleviate the suffering of orphans, widows, and persecuted individuals by providing for their basic needs such as food, shelter, education, and income opportunities.

By partnering with you, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Your prayers and contributions, no matter how big or small, can offer a ray of hope and empower individuals to build a brighter future, both spiritually and physically.

“My ultimate desire is not only seeing souls saved but also strengthening them until they become a blessed generation ready to meet the Lord at His second coming!” 

—Isaiah Kakinati, President & Founder, Anchor of Hope Evangelistic Ministries. 

*AOHEM is an evangelistic charitable organization in India registered under The A.P. Societies Registration Act, 35 Of 2001.

To the ends of the earth —

sharing the hope of christ

Our Lord Jesus said He came to seek and to save the lost. And we are His ambassadors to India, pursuing every lost son and daughter who needs to find hope in His name—from city streets to remote tribal villages. 

True and undefiled religion is...

helping orphans & widows

God’s heart has always been for the least of these. And our desire is to continue extending His love by giving orphans a safe place to stay and food for their bellies—and empowering grieving widows to earn their own income.

Equipping the saints for ministry:

strengthening the church

As the Word of Christ spreads, churches are being planted in some of the most unreached areas of India. That means pastors need training and new church members need to grow. We equip them with what they need to thrive and support them when persecution arises.

A Faithful Ministry Partner

Together, we make a real difference

"In my estimation, this ministry is absolutely dedicated to faithful stewardship, making every dollar go as far as it can for Christ! When I donated to Anchor of Hope, I had no idea just how much they could do with so little. And they don't just want to help people for the short term. Instead, they work towards sustainable change to break the cycles of poverty and hopelessness afflicting so many in India."

Jonathan M. AOH Supporter

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The Children Need You

Right now, so many children in India are desperate for someone somewhere to help them escape poverty and reach a brighter future.

Anchor of Hope is providing abandoned children with food, temporary shelter, and school supplies, but the need is limitless. They need a home.

Will you help us build them one
where they can regularly experience God’s love and receive a quality education?

Donate Now

You Can Change a Life

Today, you have a chance to reach out in love and embrace one of these little ones through your prayers and gifts. Will you help?

Questions about donating?
Call us now: +91 8333030303

Who Can You Help?

Sponsorship is $80 month per child and includes (2 meals a day, shelter, Christian training, and clothing).

You can help spread the faith across India!

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