Anchor of Hope is working to care for 68 precious orphaned children, 31 boys and 37 girls. By God’s grace, you have a chance to make a difference for them. Your love can be felt all the way around the world if you’re willing to make a commitment to sponsor a child. Gifts will provide shelter, three meals a day, clothing, and other essentials as well as quality education including school fees and supplies, life in a Christian environment, and medical care as necessary.

We are extremely grateful to our generous donor who provided the funds to purchase enough food to sustain the home for a time. We are seeking a long-term solution to provide resources that meet these children’s basic needs.


Give a Gift of Hope:
We have been blessed to serve orphans and widows for the last 15 years. God has been so faithful and orphans’ lives have been changed because of our ongoing support. Help us provide the loving care at Anchor of Hope that every child deserves. Give Today
NEEDS: Shelter, Three Meals a Day, Clothing, School Supplies, and Essentials, Quality Education Including School Fees, Life in a Christian Environment, Medical Care as Necessary.
Make a Donation:
God wants to you will have chance to help to little once and involving this time for Indian kids and He get reward for you.
To make a secure donation via PayPal you can choose to send in a Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly Support.

Sponsorship is $80 month per child and includes
3 meals a day, shelter, Christian training, and clothing.



You can help spread the faith across India!

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